Lodge loves to laugh! It's on his Top Ten list of favorite things. While writing comedy bits for himself and others is enjoyable, his true passion is helping clients use humor to cope with life's abundant frustrations.
Complaining increases stress while telling humorous stories reduces stress.
When you laugh at all your frustrations, you can eventually become grateful for them.
You can take advantage of your neuroplasticity and start associating frustrations with funny things.
Knowing exactly what to do with any frustration you encounter can make you feel bulletproof.
Humor and laughter help maintain well-being by reframing stressful events.
How to Be Funny is a video series that breaks down various comedic techniques into simple tutorials. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical exercises, tailored to help people integrate humor into daily interactions.
Need a laugh? Play this game with family, friends, or co-workers! It's simple: Players replace the [absurd] on each card with something wildly unreasonable to turn statements into jokes.
Life is difficult. Comedy can help.
If your organization could benefit from a dash of humor to lighten the stress load, please reach out because laughter truly is the best medicine! Learn more.
“It is hilarious!!!”
- Volha Tryputsen, R/Pharma Conference Co-organizer, Statistician
Lodge can create custom jokes for your next meeting or event in order to amplify your message and spark laughter.